The first weekend of september we were group of people from different places that gathered at the beautiful lands of Gylleboverket (Sweden) to attend “all my relations” – a transdisciplinary workshop explored the ecological potential of performance, performativity, and eco-pedagogy.
At the workshop we worked in smaller groups and shared our practice with each other. It was a weekend that felt like a treat for the soul to enter for example different mediative, drawing and listening practices.

In 2022 I attended the first version of “all my relation” and it was at that time I lost my heart to the place – as guest you you are generously welcomed by Etta and Jona (the host and the caretakers of the land).

I was deeply touched by the weekend and generosity of the people and the land – and I made this little video in gratitude to everyone (human and non-human participants). The sound is recorded early Saturday morning where almost non of the humans attending were awake – it was just the birds that accompanied me.
That Saturday morning I while I was sitting there on a small bench listening to the birds I tried to capture the shadows on my paper as well as what I saw behind my closed eyes.